
Showing posts with the label Rock Island VR80 Accessories

5 Exceptional Firearms to Look for Online From These Iconic Gun Companies

Exceptional gun companies often find a niche or type of firearm in which they excel. They gain a rightful reputation for their rifles, shotguns, or pistols. When you are shopping for firearms, however, do not be afraid to branch out within a manufacturer’s offerings and find something they are not quite as famous for. Just because Remington is well-known for hunting rifles, do not overlook their pistols! Be sure to keep an eye out for any of the following exceptional guns from iconic gun companies. The Rock Island VR80 Rock Island Armory is renowned for their rugged, reliable, and generally reasonably priced handguns, particularly their 1911s. The company also introduced the red-hot 22 TCM cartridge. As deserving of praise is the Rock Island VR80 shotgun. The Rock Island VR80 features rock-solid reliability and the comfortable, familiar ergonomics of an AR 15. It offers all of that while sporting a price point that is often a fraction of the cost of other magazine-fed ...