Should You Choose a Semi-Automatic Pistol or Revolver for Your First Handgun?

If you are looking to buy your first handgun, the wide selection of firearms available for sale or auction on the online marketplace can provide you with access to countless options. Despite that staggering variety of models and styles, you will notice that virtually all those handguns fall into two categories—revolvers and semi-automatic. The first step in choosing a handgun is recognizing the respective benefits of each category. Here is everything you need to know.

Bersa 380

Benefits of the Revolver

Revolvers are by far the older of the two handgun categories, with basic elements of their operation dating back centuries. While their function remains similar to modern revolvers, there is a whole lot of variety among these handguns. Models range from big-bore bruisers like the legendary Ruger 357 revolver to the diminutive Ruger LCR chambered in 22 LR. Revolvers are also the simpler of the two handgun types, featuring considerably fewer moving parts. That simplicity is a draw for many first-timers.

Benefits of the Semi-Automatic Pistol

Semi-automatic pistols are a more recent innovation than revolvers, although they have been in production for well over a century now. One of the primary benefits of semi-automatic handguns is ammunition capacity. Most revolvers hold 5 or 6 cartridges in their revolving cylinder. Semi-automatic handguns commonly carry between 7 and 20 cartridges in their removable magazines. Niche semi-automatic pistols can carry even more. The Kel Tec CP33, for instance, carries 33 cartridges in a single magazine.

Dispensing Myths About Both Categories

Many of the myths attached to semi-automatic pistols and revolvers involve broad generalizations about one category being more concealable, having more cartridge options, or simply being superior to the other. The fact is, you can find enough diversity of options and exceptional examples within both types to defy any of these simple generalizations. For example, both the semi-automatic Bersa 380 and the S&W 642 revolver are impressively affordable, reliable, and concealable. For years, the common wisdom also held that fewer moving parts and simplicity of action made revolvers more reliable than semi-automatics. However, high-quality semi-automatic pistols chambered with quality ammunition are likely to be just as reliable as any trusty revolver.

How Do You Plan to Use It?

While both revolvers and semi-automatic pistols have their advantages, the best choice for you depends on your preferences and how you plan to use your handgun. If you are looking for your first handgun to have fun at the gun range, it is hard to beat something like the Kel Tec CP33 for high-capacity combined with small caliber and low recoil. If your priority is bare-bones reliability and simplicity, a revolver will likely serve you well.

Keep an Open Mind and Trust Your Experience

It is also important to keep an open mind while looking for a handgun. Making premature judgments or assuming you will prefer one style over the other could mean potentially missing out on a model that is ideal for you. For instance, how comfortable and natural a handgun feels when you hold it often proves to be far more important than other features like ammo capacity or appearance.

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